By Anonymous - 13/11/2018 13:30

Today, a few months after my son lost a canine tooth, he went to get a replacement fitted. He came home with his other canine tooth removed and both replaced by vampire fangs. Permanent vampire fangs in his mouth, where people can see them and judge me for being a bad parent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 892
You deserved it 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're first reaction is the fear of being judged by others (instead of finding out if he's really cool with this or if there's a reason for why he feels the need to undergo such a permanent change), then maybe you aren't the best parent around.

manb91uk 22

If he's an adult it's his choice.... Get over it


Since you didn't take him and he went himself, sounds like he's an adult. Get over it.

Annies 17

Why would they judge YOU for something HE did? He is a separate person from you.