By whatislife1969 - 08/10/2017 04:30

Today, my work had an employee party at the park and I drank a little too much vodka. Towards the end of the party, I found myself making out with a tree in front of all my co-workers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 425
You deserved it 4 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least tell us you wore protection! You don’t want a call in nine months informing you that you have saplings.


my2centsworth 15
gobiteme2 34

So she was pining over a pine tree.

The hero of this story is the co-worker who left a bonsai tree on your desk your first day back after it happened.

Looks like you’ll be number one on the Arborist Offender’s List. Despicable!