By anonymous - 12/08/2010 04:31 - United States

Today, the girl who tormented my life for nine years was hired at my part-time job. We're assigned to work together on a three-month-long project which will involve tons of communication. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 767
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only way your ever going to put that torment behind you is to be the bigger person and just do your job. Don't be nice or social with her. Just be professional and curt. If that pisses her off so she makes a big scene well thats all the sweeter. ;-) And if she continues to torment you then hello HR complaint time.

singer4life666 0

Why don't you be polite and see how she responds. If she's a bitch still, then just punch her in the throat. Simple.


CaliForLovers 0

Looks like it's payback time!

I_have_no_clue 0

Look on the bright side OP, at least she only works part time. Kill her with kindness!

Ah don't be a pussy op. Suck it up. That's how the real world works. Sometimes you've got to work with shitheads. Odds are she's changed anyway. You should take every opportunity to remind here what a bitch she was.

she probably likes you and has a short temper for the fact that you haven't noticed yet

AngelsHaveSex 0

All that hate might turn into hot lesbian sex!!!

At least it's only part time instead of having to work with them 40 hours a week.

Put your big girl panties on and deal with it. If it bothers you then confront her about it.

73: Tormented may not be an exaggeration. Being picked on or teased is something everyone goes through. Severe bullying is much less common and much more psychologically damaging. It's too often discounted as typical childhood behavior, and it's victims' suffering discredited as attention-whoring or over-sensitivity. I've done a little research on the subject, and it's not rare for victims of prolonged severe bullying to develop symptoms of C-PTSD [Complex PTSD] that last well into adulthood. That's the type of PTSD that survivors of childhood physical or sexual abuse, former hostages, POWs, and people with Stockholm Syndrome suffer from. = Also, it's one thing to brush off bullies as an adult. It's quite another to do so as a kid, especially if the bully is a constant figure in the victim's life.

well look at the bright side. your ready for marriage.