By loser - 20/05/2018 15:00

Today, I woke up to find my 6-year-old daughter had duct taped me to my bed and dropped my wallet down the toilet. Well played. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 688
You deserved it 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well they do say kids make you want to stay in bed all day and lose all your money but I didn’t think they meant it so literal.

well, they say kids are money down the drain...


Well they do say kids make you want to stay in bed all day and lose all your money but I didn’t think they meant it so literal.

They also say having kids ties you down. Again, way too literally in this story.

Zekfen 17

Wife material in training! Your wife is training her well! “If you duct tape them to the bed, you can go spend all their money at the store!” - your wife

well, they say kids are money down the drain...

You've got a little mob boss in the making.

lkb307 21

my only question is how do you sleep that heavy. I would love to sleep deep like that.

Lobby_Bee 17

Don’t get so drunk you pass out or get high around kids! Seriously, nobody “sleeps” so soundly the do not feel their hands being duct taped. That’s either passed out drunk or high.

Kid: This is what you get for not buying that Barbie at Walmart today