By Anon - 18/05/2011 11:47 - United States

Today, we got a new dry-erase board, and I drew the Gotham City skyline complete with the Bat Signal. Later, I went downstairs, only to find my mom had written "BATMAN'S GAY" over the top of the picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 879
You deserved it 10 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

One day, your mom is going to be abducted by an evil octopus and batman isn't going to save her because she called him gay.


collegegirl87 0

Haha your mom is funny, but FYL.

PurpleRae420 0
Toasty283 8

His mom should tell Christian Bale that.

BrittanyPernell6 0

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His Mum is wrong. Batman is awesome. If you've ever seen the 60's version, you'd know what I'm on about. *Zam* *Pow* *Crunch*

Kn0wledge123 21

Batman is awesome-sauce. A guy in all black going around give mob bosses panic attacks? You can't beat that. Not even Superman's bitch ass.

KiddNYC1O 20

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YwTwss 0

batman demolishes superman in the comics

purplexpinapple 11

I love the original Batman! Kapow! Crash!

C'mon #43, the comics definitely show that Batman completely dominates Superman. He has missiles filled with Kryptonite that are set to deploy if Superman ever goes darkside. Batman pretty much owns Superman

Because it was gonna be there forever otherwise, right?

I wish my mom had that sense of humor

Well, there has been quite a bit of dispute over whether or not Batman and Robin are "in the cave" about being gay and are secretly lovers.

awardZu 0

I would think it's obvious. A grown man and an adolecent boy that live alone in a big mansion and go out dressing in rubber costumes & masks? Batman is a pedophile who's into S&M, Robin is his "boy toy". Then you have to think of all Batman's 'gadgets' and wonder what else he uses them for. Gay.

wow, really? people are this perverted? first off, Bruce Wayne was with Selena Kyle and each Robin(there were 5) had a girlfriend. except for one because she was a girl. oh, and robin and batman weren't alone. Alfred lived there too and Lucius Fox visited often.

flighted 1

YOUR MOM IS GAY. Batman is amazing

There's no doubt that Batman is amazing. But he's definitely gay. Robin is his twinkie boy.

iAmScrubs 19

One day, your mom is going to be abducted by an evil octopus and batman isn't going to save her because she called him gay.

If you don't want someone to mess with it. Draw on a piece of paper and keep it in your room.