By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, while at my mom's birthday dinner, I started to pretend to drum with one hand, using my left leg as the drums. Everybody stared at me and started to yell. Now they all think I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 353
You deserved it 11 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the best cover story for mastetbuting I have heard.. I may use it in the future :D

mexipunker 0

Mom: No masterbating at the table young man, now finish your peas. Son: Yes mommy.


umm weren't you?? someone got a little bored.. OCD!!

your right boob looks waaaay bigger than your left boob...

ifyouseekamy666 0

27- thank you! see? I'm not the only one who thinks so bitch

mylifesucksserio 15

I don't really see the problem with them lol

jellyybeans 5

oooh where's vestfold? *o* ahaha and also, lmfao at luvzit. your profile made me laugh.

syddyb 0

yal bitches are just jealous of her big ****. girls who usualy bitch about other girls showing their **** on FML are probably just jealous bitches.

Wow, that is one hell of a conclusion to jump to.

That's the best cover story for mastetbuting I have heard.. I may use it in the future :D

bladomas 2

learn spelling #7, and the OP YDI

mastetbuting is a word? When I first tried typing it it autocorrected to masturbating

I meant to say I was hoping for it to auto correct me. This is what happens when you go on FML at work, you look an idiot.

You look LIKE an idiot. You do not look an idiot.

how is that even masterbating. fail. FYL