By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 16:55 - United Kingdom

Today, while celebrating at my friend's birthday party, I fell down a flight of stairs, got into a fight with my flatmate, and ruined my friend's outfit after drinking too much. I'm expecting I'll need to find a new place to live tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 676
You deserved it 32 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spiderman0606 0

Why are you complaining about this? It's not like any of this was out of your control. You brought it upon yourself for drinking too much. You couldve not ruined your friends birthday by stopping the fight and leaving it for another time.


Today, I did something really idiotic, but you know it wasn't my fault because I was drunk. Burp.

XCaLX_fml 0

i gotta ask 16 whats ur pic of

OMG shut up. We all had the stages being 15-16 going out and drinking like an idiot. Then learning that its not cool or fun and to drink in moderation by the time u hit 18. Other wise clubs would be full of 18year olds throwing up on eachother, there's always the odd retard, but on the whole ok. So give her break it obv aint normal or she wud be FMLing every weekend

Most people with their own flat are over 18 so either OP skipped her 15 - 16 drnking binge stage or she didn't learn from it. Anyway, just because other people make similar mistakes, it doesn't mean OP doesn't deserve it. Anyone that drinks until they do something they regret deserves what happens (that includes me).

CoolChik 5

Ah, the joys of alcohol... Hopefully everyone else was also so pissed out of their minds that they completely forget about who did what. Yeah right. I recommend finding a party house where such behavior is not only acceptable, but encouraged. =)

I'm curious to see how many more morons are going to ask what a flatmate is after it's been defined literally twice and in the content of the original post (yeah I have to spell out OP because apparently some people don't know what the **** that is either)

epound28 0

OP you dickfuck, YDI for drinking. You irresponsible **** waste of space and water.

You do realise they edit these from the original post? The reason I got into a fight was because my flatmate started the fight, not with me, with my friend who's birthday it is, I intervened. I hadn't had very much to drink at all, but I did spill the drink and fall down the stairs (twice), because I'm clumsy. But apart from that I probably did deserve it, and have the bruises to show for it.

Haha. You've got a lot in common with my friend who constantly falls down the stairs. She does it like a pro though, lands and doesn't even make a noise. ;]

@itwasntmyfault, i think your changing it to make people agree with you because when they don't sympathise with your tears you get frustrated. And you think that people agreeing with a twisted version of the truth somehow justifys your original actions? correct me if i'm wrong im just wondering

My original post went something along the lines of: "Today, I went to a club. I managed to get into a fight with my housemate, fall down the stairs twice, spill my drink over (my own) new dress and ruin my friend's birthday. I now have cuts on my arm and bruises on my leg, a ruined new dress, a friend who won't talk to me and need a new place to live. FML" (I didn't mention anything that I was drunk, but for the record I wasn't because I left early in cuts and bruises! I am very clumsy...)