By ohhhgross - 26/10/2009 18:32 - Singapore

Today, while I was eating, my younger sister came over and sat beside me. She started clipping her toenails. Disgusted by it, I turned and opened my mouth to tell her to move somewhere else, just as one flew inside my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 265
You deserved it 5 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyKaya 0

I hate when people find it appropriate to groom themselves next to where I'm eating...

At least she wasn't shaving her pubes, right?


Would have been more interesting if you were actually eating your sister =/.

Haha I swear I read this as "I was eating my younger sister". I might need some serious help >.< lol

awks 0

that's what I was thinking to, the hobo one!

jackballman 0

something like that happened to me. i was talking and my friend randomly spit a spitball right in my mouth.

Dammit, Savannah... OP - How are you positioned to eat in a way that her clipped toenails fly in your mouth? Are you laying on the floor under her feet or something?

I guess we both fail then. One at the puns, and one at replying.

please pass the toe jam... *cough* thank you, I think

I think this was a repost because I remember seeing this before

adelaide_evening 0

Except the last one was better because, if I remember correctly, it was homeless man's toenail who the poster was riding next to on the subway or something.

LadyKaya 0

I hate when people find it appropriate to groom themselves next to where I'm eating...

At least she wasn't shaving her pubes, right?

perdix 29

I'll bet her toenail was more nutritious than the junk food you were going to put in your mouth. Certainly, it would be crunchier. You can't beat toenails for crunch.

are you serious? toenails contain dirt and bacteria!

Turnip_Girl 0

If toenails are being clipped, mouths should be closed. The risks are just too great.