By brokebackanus - 18/12/2015 14:15 - United States - Detroit

Today, while jailbreaking my dad's phone, I found out the hard way that it's jam-packed full of my mom's nudes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 601
You deserved it 7 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks OP, but at least it was your mom-- your dad is probably still attracted to her, which is a good thing! Sorry you had to see that, though.


how many did you look at before concluding it was "jam packed?"

ChrisMora 16

At least they're not someone else's?

Quite frankly, don't go through the pictures on your dad's phone.

Okay, it's really awkward because it's your parents. But, at least it wasn't full of pics of someone else. I think it's kinda sweet in a way, that he's still attracted to her like that.

That's the real reason Apple warm you not to jailbreak ;)

Good lord. Why the hell were you jailbreaking your dad's phone? And why would he have nudes?!