By GeeThanks - 02/05/2017 05:00 - Canada - Toronto

Today, while making a grand show of his generosity, my boss gave me my own commissions as a wedding gift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 234
You deserved it 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

The commission wasn't the wedding gift, the grand show was.

Druu 53

"And here's a little something for the honeymoon!" *Hands you a backlog of work*


Lobby_Bee 17

The commission wasn't the wedding gift, the grand show was.

I'll bet he'll give you wedding cake, aka, day-old birthday cake from the break room.

Druu 53

"And here's a little something for the honeymoon!" *Hands you a backlog of work*