By elfy2 - 03/03/2011 02:49

Today, while riding the bus to a really important job interview the child sitting next to me threw up in my lap. His mother then told him to wipe his mouth. He used my sleeve. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 147
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

linopz224 0

man I hate parents like that

Some kids need to be beaten. Parents too.


doglover100 28

Parents like this annoy me. Don't have kids if you aren't mature yourself.

Drink some water then spit it at them saying sorry i thought ur kid missed a spot

I think next time u should punt the Kid into a cactus then wipe the blood on the moms sleeve.

"Lawd give me the strength not to smack this baby with a chair"

OP, you should have just called a cab, easier to get places, you can avoid situations like that, and you don't have to see those public bus weirdos too, it's a win-win-win.