By sandwichmaker - 17/07/2011 02:46 - United States

Today, while working at Subway, a man ordered a sub with avocado. When I told him it was no longer available, he screamed, spit in my face and ran out, pushing over an innocent bystander in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 726
You deserved it 3 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I just imagined that innocent bystander screaming "my leg" like that random guy off of Spongebob hehe


my subway still has it... I think it's disgusting and it's a b*tch to mess with.. I've never had something like that happen to me at work though! sucks for you op :(

Wtf! Why'd you get rid of the avocado? I'd be pretty pissed to.

linny5227 4

haha. I work at subway too...and ironically in Illinois as well. but yeah...people get angry about their food way more than need be. damn avocado!

frankdank 3

That is assault. Save the security cam footage and have him arrested when he comes back in.

i thought subway never said no and gave you what you asked for.

tastychives 3

You should've just gave him the damn avocado

moo117 0

I wold run out the door cach him and kick his ass

Fsqu4red 5