
By Anonymous - 15/03/2013 18:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend found out about my severe phobia of moths. It's so bad that I sometimes pass out. He caught a moth in a jar, and put it on my bedside table. I woke up, saw it, and had a panic attack. He recorded it all and wants to upload it to YouTube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 098
You deserved it 5 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next week on cops we follow officer Johnson as he releases a moth from a jar and talks sternly to the man that put it there!


olpally 32

Yeah, a dick move on his part. I hope she pays him back with sweet revenge. Like putting his hand in warm water as he sleeps so he pisses himself at night. Haha.

I don't see that type of prank suitable since he messed with her and her severe phobia. He deserves a lot worse

^Peeing in the bed is no where close to a panic attack, that is bring recorded. The boyfriend is a jackass!

dmoran20 27

When you think it over, do you really want him to pee in the bed when he's right next to you?

olpally 32

When you do the prank, you would obviously sleep somewhere else when he's sleeping... Duh!

aliyourpally 12

Find out his worst fear and get him back. Revenge is sweet.

Spiders in bed could be entertaining

It still couldn't be fair. He wouldn't do that kind of things if he had a phobia himself, and there's no common measure between a fear and a phobia.

RealTalk0 7

Put a rat down his shirt while he's sleeping. That's payback.

At least he had the moths in jars. Payback is an understatement for putting a rat down someone's shirt.

Put a french rat on top of his head. That way the rat can control him and force him to do all the cooking for a while.

Yes of course. Let's call the police because my boyfriend pulled a prank on me. That'll show him!

911: what's seem to be your emergency ma'am? OP: my boyfriend left me a moth in a jar! He knows they scare me but he did it anyway. I had a panic attack. 911:.... We're sorry but the number you have dialed, is for emergency's only. Please hang up.

Next week on cops we follow officer Johnson as he releases a moth from a jar and talks sternly to the man that put it there!

Lizzy500 16

What an insensitive ass. If he does, make him your EX boyfriend.

Pump the brakes! No reason to kick him to the curb for a moth in a jar. Just get him back. A couple that pranks together, stays together.

Lizzy500 16

This isn't like he put saran wrap in the doorway, I don't see it as a prank. Making fun of a phobia crosses the line. People don't realize how crippling a phobia can be. Your SO should support you in your biggest weaknesses, not post them on YouTube.

46 - Agreed. This is abuse. Since he gets a kick from abuse, tell him any repeat will get him kicked out of your life.

#25, a prank to me is something harmless and both can laugh about. Using a phobia against somebody, especially your SO, is going too far. If you know they have an extreme phobia, don't mess with it. Also wanting to put it on YouTube made it worse. I'd dump his ass if he didn't apologize or tried it again.

An eye for an eye, get someone to let the moth go and do the same thing to him using his biggest fear. Film it and this time do upload it on YouTube.

Eye for an eye and the whole world would be blind

An eye for an eye may leave the world blind, but blind men can do little harm

dr_snow_bear 29

I'm confused as to why he's not your ex-boyfriend. You can do better than a guy who thinks it's funny to torture you.

Maybe you should get a sense of humour and come back

He messed with an extreme phobia of hers on purpose and wanted to post it on YouTube....I wouldn't be laughing if my phobias were used to humor him

yup. having someone use your extreme phobia against you is just a little prank. especially a phobia where there's a chance you'll pass out -_-

He's a keeper!NOT.But hey,at least you now can be more awake when you wake up in the morning! :-)

Your boyfriend is kind of hilarious! A total dick, but hilarious nonetheless

Agreed! Grow a hair! It's in a jar. Therapy: take said jar outside and "release"!

vadaaa 11

40- for one, I think you meant "grow a pair". Also, you don't simply grow a pair when it comes to phobias. You obviously don't have one.

It's not as easy as 'growing a pair' when it comes to getting over phobias. Phobias are not just fears, it goes way beyond that. I have claustrophobia, and the terror is very real. It's better than it was, but I still break into a sweat when I have to go into an elevator.