
By Vince - 27/03/2022 12:00

Today, my parents told me they won’t be attending my wedding, all because my fiancée is the woman I cheated on my ex with and left her for. What they fail to understand is that people and hearts change. It wouldn’t be fair to remain by my ex’s side while being in love with someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 304
You deserved it 2 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

Either way, you still CHEATED. The proper thing would have been to BREAK UP with the now ex THEN start a relationship with the woman you now love and intend to marry. Had you just dumped the now ex and started dating your now fiancee, I'm sure your parents would not have an issue (unless they genuinely just don't like your fiancee). I think the issue was with the fact that you cheated and are now trying to justify it. Cheaters are the worst!

I bet in a few years, your heart will change again.


rotflqtms_ 21

Either way, you still CHEATED. The proper thing would have been to BREAK UP with the now ex THEN start a relationship with the woman you now love and intend to marry. Had you just dumped the now ex and started dating your now fiancee, I'm sure your parents would not have an issue (unless they genuinely just don't like your fiancee). I think the issue was with the fact that you cheated and are now trying to justify it. Cheaters are the worst!

I bet in a few years, your heart will change again.

Then you should have broke off the relationship like an adult instead of cheating on her. Your parents are in the right to not attend your wedding (which is laughable in the first place, like you wouldn't cheat on your wife later "if your heart changes"). Resounding YDI.

Your parents seem to be people of value. That find honesty important enough to miss their own son's wedding for. How did you turn out to be someone who thinks cheating is ok!?!? Change of heart happens, but then you break up BEFORE moving on to the next person!

And if you hadn't cheated, you wouldn't have known the other woman well enough to "fall in love" with her. Once a cheater, always a cheater!

Also, "When you marry the one you cheated with, you're not legitimizing your relationship...you're CREATING A VACANCY."

Wow... look at that outpouring of sympathy in the other comments. And by "outpouring of sympathy" I mean "everyone here knows you're an asshole". Asshole.

AzraelAngelus 15

You are a despicable person and I hope your new marriage falls apart at the worst possible time and place

slhiggx 17

What you fail to see is they have morals. Hearts change like the wind at times. That doesn’t justify the how you got to this point in your life. Good luck to you and your future wife. But you two started off on rocky grounds. I hope fear and insecurities won’t eat you two alive.

Oh look. Actions, meet consequences. I'm shocked.

Lydmyers 9

You're missing the point there bud. You should have left before the cheating.