
By Marea90h - 09/12/2020 20:01

Today, a client hung up on me after calling me "Miss Proper" because I spoke too "clearly" for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 903
You deserved it 64

Same thing different taste

Top comments

betterdaysahead 14

I say thats a win for you. thinknof it this way would you rather deal with a person who cleary was not expecting to have the topic clearly spelled out for them, there for making your job easier for you. Be Proud.😀


betterdaysahead 14

I say thats a win for you. thinknof it this way would you rather deal with a person who cleary was not expecting to have the topic clearly spelled out for them, there for making your job easier for you. Be Proud.😀

I was in high school and got shot down for a date because apparently my vocabulary was too advanced and she couldn't understand half of the words I use.