Valentine's Day confession

By Mister_Triangle - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned that all of the anonymous Valentine's gifts I received throughout high school were sent out of pity by my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 428
You deserved it 3 233

Mister_Triangle tells us more.

Mister_Triangle 21

Well I've been out of high school for over a year now and my other sister (who knew for some reason) let it slip while we were discussing valentines day. I played it off like I already knew, but I secretly died a little inside.

Top comments

mathew17986g 2

At least you know someone cares :D


xweon 8

I am so sorry you must feel so bad, I am sure the boys thought u were beautiful and were too shy

Yeah, I always hear guys talking about how beautiful other dudes are Ps. OP is a guy :^)

boundlesssmiles 2

FYL? Sounds like you have a one-of-kind sister. Romance comes and goes, but blood is thicker than water.

Maybe she loves you in more than a brother-sister way ;)

Natty23 0

You've got a caring sister! Appreciate that! Atleast she cares!

You have a wonderful sister, I am hoping that when looking back you realise that maybe it has boosted your confidence. As a sister who loves her brothers fondly, i would have done the same thing hoping for that outcome.

I don't mean to be funny, BUT..... why would it boost her confidence? it was a PITY thing, and anyway I think it'd have the opposite effect

Thinking that someone likes you will make you walk, talk and act prouder, thus truly making you more attractive.

it's his sister... he was duped by her. I'm not seeing how that'd boost his confidence, more like destroy it, or at best not change it

Okay maybe i explained my wrong. Not now he OP knows but at the time.

Hey, like everyone else has said, what's the problem here? Your sister cares, dude. Be happy about it. As long as it wasn't meant to hurt you and your feelings, it's sweet. Not every sister is that nice.