Waste my time

By screwyoucompany - 19/05/2017 20:00

Today, I had a job interview. I was almost late due to road closure and being blocked in my street by the trash truck. The "interview" turned out to be a hiring fair, with lots of other people. I had to wait outside for 3 hours in the sun with no shade, water or food. I didn't get the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 519
You deserved it 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucky O'Guin 18

That stinks, but was it advertised as a fair?

CassyM 6

I am guessing OP thought it was an interview that would last 20-45 mins the most so bringing water and food was not expected. Apparently they should have told you to bring an umbrella for the sun too (ypu probably figured it was inside). Similar thing happened to me once. Got a call for an interview, showed up and I was one of 20 people they called (but they did not inform me of this). It was a group interview. I didnt get it either, waste of my time.


Lucky O'Guin 18

That stinks, but was it advertised as a fair?

never assume you'll get food or water in an interview. always bring your own.

CassyM 6

I am guessing OP thought it was an interview that would last 20-45 mins the most so bringing water and food was not expected. Apparently they should have told you to bring an umbrella for the sun too (ypu probably figured it was inside). Similar thing happened to me once. Got a call for an interview, showed up and I was one of 20 people they called (but they did not inform me of this). It was a group interview. I didnt get it either, waste of my time.

gobiteme2 34

Did the road closure pop up as you went to your mode of transportation. If you really wanted the job, you wouldn't have waited until the last moment to leave. I would call this YDI

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Not if there's a holiday it's not the same day every week. do you even take your garbage out.

imagineapc 11

Moot point. Was there a holiday this week that no one knows about?

Even though it says "today" that doesn't mean anything. This FML could've been sent in months ago

species4872 19

3 hours in the sun without shade, water or food.....I'm sure the people who have to travel for miles daily to collect putrid water and scour garbage dumps for food would appreciate your plight.

"Come to the interview they said. It'll be just like "Office Space" they said. Don't worry about the felony for arson and the $20,000 fine, they said." I bet your wife loved you.

Why didn't you just eat the donuts you brought to bribe them into hiring you? What? You didn't bring donuts? Now, we know why you're not getting a job!