Wear your masks

By Breath of fresh air - 03/08/2020 17:01

Today, after 3 months of no Coronavirus in my state, two stupid cunts have to failed to self-isolate and restarted the lockdown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 722
You deserved it 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

That’s what happens when people only care about themselves and refuse to follow precautions

I really wish we could heavily fine these kind of people or something. I'm tired of their egocentric attitude.


What state is this? I’m sorry it happened to you.

ftpallday666 16

I really wish we could heavily fine these kind of people or something. I'm tired of their egocentric attitude.

Mathalamus 24

It was going to fail anyway.

It's like those few asshole murderers who ruined hitchhiking for everyone else. And then it became Uber.

bloopaloop 27

Yeah. The conversations really went down hill with Uber.

Yeah, but back in the day, you didn't get to rate your murder. You want your killer to go that extra mile to deliver the 5-star slaying.

ojoRojo 27

That’s what happens when people only care about themselves and refuse to follow precautions

Which state? Were they verified as having covid? Were they truly covid positive, or was it positive for antibodies?

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

I'm guessing Queensland. And those people have been fined and charged with criminal offences

And there’s also been no reinstatement of lockdown...

hello fellow Queenslander (I'm guessing)

That’s exactly what happened where I live! 😱