Weird logic

By can’t go vegan - 07/07/2023 03:00

Today, I actually overheard the sentence, “People who can’t go vegan for medical reasons should die gracefully rather than eat an animal.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 805
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When it comes to caring what anyone thinks about what I eat, I can only think of 2 people who matter. My wife and.... hmm nope just the 1 person. Everyone else can go play soccer in a minefield with their opinion. Basically, don't put stock in what that person thinks unless you have to sleep with them every night.

They say that until they are starving


When it comes to caring what anyone thinks about what I eat, I can only think of 2 people who matter. My wife and.... hmm nope just the 1 person. Everyone else can go play soccer in a minefield with their opinion. Basically, don't put stock in what that person thinks unless you have to sleep with them every night.

They say that until they are starving

Spoken like someone who has not yet heard the “we need to either genetically modify all predators into herbivores or exterminate them all” vegans.

yes, and there are also vegans out there that advocate for exterminating predators all together.

Preferably before they procreate, so we can purge the human race of the filthy carnivores.

Tell me you have no idea how natural ecosystems work without telling me you didn't pass second grade...

omega Smilodon 1

Every person on the planet can’t go vegan for medical reasons. Veganism causes malnutrition over extended periods of time. without tons of supplementation, vegans would eventually starve to death.