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By evilsandwich - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - London

Today, after house-sitting for a week, I came home to find the house in which I rent a basement suite has all but burned to the ground. My landlord didn't even bother to tell me about the fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 711
You deserved it 2 182

Top comments

Well that went up in flames. What an ash-hole.

That sucks OP. Sorry to hear. Hope you find a new place soon.


trav_o 8

Well rent for this month should be a little cheaper..

dellis44 7

You can sue for that kind of thing. Bring him to court, and get all of your rent money back!

U said the house burnt to the ground, But if ur in the basement (which is below ground) ur stuff should be ok. Just wait till the house gets cleared and go get ur stuff.

kittykat1501 31

I guess you are lucky that you (hopefully) had your favorite clothes and such with you