What are you doing, human?

By Anonymous - 30/04/2022 02:00

Today, my husband and I were starting to get freaky. He was rubbing himself on my lady parts and I looked over to my side where my dog was intensely following my man’s junk with her eyes. I laughed so hard I farted, peed myself, and broke a cup in under 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 976
You deserved it 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

char89 11

How did you break a cup? I understand the other 2 and am pmsl

Pinkdahlia75 1


I'll bet the dog's mood was ruined this time.

char89 11

How did you break a cup? I understand the other 2 and am pmsl

Pinkdahlia75 1