What what?

By Anonymous - 12/04/2022 16:00

Today, my boyfriend stuck his finger in my butt and I liked it, but I can’t ever tell him that or he’ll get that smug look on his face like, “I told you so, let’s have anal now.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 479
You deserved it 1 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kitten79TX 5

Yes, you can tell him you like it. and also that it doesn't mean you'd like anal. Totally NOT the same.


Jon Tessler 14

liking a finger is NOT consent to have Anal sex. your BF sounds like an idiot.

Okay but.. if you liked it, what's the downside in doing it?

kitten79TX 5

Yes, you can tell him you like it. and also that it doesn't mean you'd like anal. Totally NOT the same.

Thanatos999 3

stick afingwr in his butt,, during head and see if he likes it. then you can decide on if to tell him.

Nikki 16

You might really enjoy it, but play with toys and research it, don’t just go for it otherwise you’ll definitely hate it

thisguyonline1988 4

As a dude.... I totally get why you wouldn't admit it. That's a door not everyone wants opened.

Ok so you found out you like something. But you don't want to let him know because then both of you know you like it? Why? You can let your partner know what you like and still set boundaries, you know?