Where is it?

By Anonymous - 26/10/2019 18:00

Today, as I was reviewing my EMS textbook, I decided I would practice taking my own pulse. I started with finding my femoral artery with no success. My mom walked in on me while I had my hand almost up my crotch, muttering to myself, "Why don't I have one?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 602
You deserved it 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

Doesn't your mum kmow how to knock?

E2dav 5

Privacy is a given regardless of paying rent or not. Not knocking is rude, even if you own the place. Everything else is whatever mum wants if it's her house.


ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

Doesn't your mum kmow how to knock?

If it’s her place and he not paying rent the she can do what she wants. Mom is alway the boss no matter how old you are

E2dav 5

Privacy is a given regardless of paying rent or not. Not knocking is rude, even if you own the place. Everything else is whatever mum wants if it's her house.

I guess Freud had a point about girls's being envious about a guy's junk hahaha.

Sounds like the definition of penis envy 😂

Why were you taking your pulse on your femoral artery to begin with? Was there an example of a guy with no arms and no neck in your book? Or was it supposed to be a freak accident leaving just the legs untouched?