Whisky ********

By noO - 07/02/2016 17:43 - United States - Greenwood

Today, for the seventh weekend in a row, I left my weekly visit with my long-distance boyfriend unsatisfied. Seems he enjoys getting shit-faced drunk more than he enjoys getting a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 252
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that sounds horrible. Have you talked to him about it? I mean if he was sober at some point. If not, remember: Kids and drunks always tell the truth. But you might not like what you hear. FYL, OP. You deserve better.

Dam, Op talk to him about how you feel if that does not fix it,time to move on :(


Dam, Op talk to him about how you feel if that does not fix it,time to move on :(

That's when you dump him for not appreciating the effort you're putting in while he's slacking off :/

*Seventh* weekend? Sorry, but YDI for putting up with this. And dating is when a person is trying to impress? He's impressed enough. Find someone who will think more of you.

maybe he has other ways to appreciate her. she is just complaining about one part of her relationship. And based on that ONE thing, you gave her advise to end it. Good job being the shallow one. "Dump him because he doesn't appreciate you the way you want him to" Dump for lack of sex, if that is the problem. But it has nothing to do with appreciation.

I could be wrong, but this FML came off to me that OP is unsatisfied, not the boyfriend. Although, seven weeks is long there are a lot of factors that play a part in a relationship. Everyone is different and the sexual aspect of a relationship isn't that important to some people. In my relationship enjoying each other and the time spent together is enough (we have done long distance before). OP's boyfriend could possibly be putting off going out and partying until his girlfriend is around and ends up over drinking... I have done this and so has my boyfriend. The other possible reason is that OP hasn't voiced her opinion and her boyfriend thinks it's something that she is okay with... Many factors...

Wow that sounds horrible. Have you talked to him about it? I mean if he was sober at some point. If not, remember: Kids and drunks always tell the truth. But you might not like what you hear. FYL, OP. You deserve better.

Not really true of kids OR drunks truthfully.

rldostie 19

One paragraph on FML doesn't mean she deserves better...

If you stay together, you might want to tell him about fingers and their many magical uses. Also inebriated doucheyness.

I like how you asked instead of viewing my profile… and then viewed my profile. I presumed there was a sort of whisky dick situation, so although the OP's boyfriend wanted to perform, he couldn't. In which case, there are other means to satisfy someone. Perhaps I misinterpreted.

I'll be honest I don't know why you get negative votes for this, or why you got asked how old you are. Your comment was perfectly reasonable and understandable.

Wow OP that is horrible. he definitely needs to appreciate your sacrifices and spend time with you!

This sounds like a very one-sided "relationship".

cosmic_peanut 17

your life sucks , get over him

1 weekend, 2 weekends - FYL. Seventh - you are an idiot, he is a hardcore alcoholic, plus most likely getting sex elsewhere.

She's not an idiot, well, not as far as I know anyway. If they've already been together for a long time and she's already attached, then breaking up isn't that easy. People go through far worse and don't dump their significant other. You're right about everything else, though.

Seven weekends in a row? YDI I agree with #9. Past the 3rd time I'd think it's time to have a talk/move on. For all the gas and time wasted, that's unacceptable.

#45 I agree that his behavior is unacceptable and that she certainly should dump him. But you don't know what the two of them went through before this started. For all you know they might have been dating for years already and he had been a great boyfriend up until this point. Just because she hasn't dumped him yet doesn't necessarily mean she's foolish. She might have a good reason to be sentimental or hold out for hope. But no doubt she's feeling pretty idiotic at this point. Telling her she's an idiot won't exactly make her feel like she can do better. But based on the tone of the FML I have a feeling a breakup is imminent.

Whatever they were doing before the long-distance part is irrelevant. Seven times?! Fuggetaboudit. If he can't keep off the sauce for a few hours every week knowing full well his significant other is coming to spend time with him, then it's on him. Since its been the same story SIX MORE TIMES OVER, it's definitely on her for letting it go on for as long as it has.

vintageart1994 16

Sounds like he needs to get his priorities straight.

Then why the hell do keep driving to him?!?! If he doesn't want to spend in quality time with u, why waste your time?