Wise words

By Anonymous - 05/01/2022 05:01

Today, I realised that I live to work. I’m not even good at my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 928
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you're not very good at life, either. As long as you're not terrible at your job, you're probably of acceptable value to mankind.

have you been written up for it at work? If not I think it is about time you learn modern life lesson 1... work doesn't matter 99% of the time. unless you save lives or teach, or do something that really helps people, just stay off the chopping block and find something you actually enjoy. the less you care about work the happier you will most likely be. Dont care so little you are fired though, people also make that mistake alot...


Sounds like you're not very good at life, either. As long as you're not terrible at your job, you're probably of acceptable value to mankind.

have you been written up for it at work? If not I think it is about time you learn modern life lesson 1... work doesn't matter 99% of the time. unless you save lives or teach, or do something that really helps people, just stay off the chopping block and find something you actually enjoy. the less you care about work the happier you will most likely be. Dont care so little you are fired though, people also make that mistake alot...