You big wuss

By Anonymous - 22/08/2023 04:00

Today, the girl I was going to hook up with took off her clothes and revealed she had an absolutely disturbing tattoo of a rotting zombie head on her lower stomach and groin, the idea being that during sex my penis would look like it was in the zombie's mouth. I couldn’t go through with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 565
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For now, turn out the lights. Tell her to get the tattoo altered to look like a clown. Every time you get "a hole in one", you can feel like you won a free game at the Putt-Putt!


For now, turn out the lights. Tell her to get the tattoo altered to look like a clown. Every time you get "a hole in one", you can feel like you won a free game at the Putt-Putt!

n3rdn3ss 8

Pics for proof? But yeah, flip her over would of probably helped.

Hey, if people can willingly **** Donald Trump (and then demand money to keep quiet about it rather than refusing like anyone else with eyesight), you can do this. Now wrap it up and get back in there.