You can do it

By Suomynona - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Germany - Hamburg

Today, I felt lousy and decided to give myself a pep-talk in the mirror. After a while, I cheered up and went about my day. I soon found out that my sister had recorded me through the crack of the door and posted the video on Facebook. I'm humiliated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 680
You deserved it 6 915

Same thing different taste

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You should not feel embarrassed. Hell every person male or female has days where we just feel ugly. But I look at it this way. On those days I feel no pressure to loo good for anyone. I don't give a damn on ugly days. It passes. You know what? Own that s***t! If you feel lousy, own it. Be proud of the lousy! Go on Facebook and tell everybody to judge only when they can prove themselves perfect.

Hey you gotta do what you gotta do to make yourself feel better.

You should recreate the video only this time give out about what a bitch your sister is then post that on Facebook