You must be kidding me

By surfernerd6987 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received an email from a temp agency trying to hire me. Surprisingly, it was the same job I was just laid off from after two years of great employment. They were trying to hire me at half my original salary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 678
You deserved it 2 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theswarm666x 1

wouldn't that be a bit illegal? firing you just to pay you less? it is kinda indirect but still.

Take your job back, just work half as much and see what you can get away with.


theswarm666x 1

wouldn't that be a bit illegal? firing you just to pay you less? it is kinda indirect but still.

I perfer to think of laws as suggustions yknow like the bible but real ppl will kill you if u get cought. at least u have the option which, is a good thing...Right?

kittykat1501 31

Grammar usually doesn't bother me, but this.... Is just disgusting

It is not illegal. It is happening all over. Sucks though

Sucks man. I don't think it's illegal, but my dad had this exact same situation.

theswarm666x 1

i think they can't directly drop your salary, but i guess firing you knowing you'd want to get your job back is a loop-hole. i think this makes more sense than my original post. BTW: i rushed my first post because i was excited about being the first to post FML, lol. i guess this statement is overplayed though... but i am honest.

kwosti 0

That is so shit, FYL definately

Take your job back, just work half as much and see what you can get away with.

why did they fire you? if they fired you because the job was now surplus to requirements, you now have proof that the job is not surplus to requirements. check the specs of the offered job, because if it is essentially the same as your previous role, you may have a grievance against them for unfair dismissal. check with a 'real' lawyer though, cause I can't dispense advice through here, without specific knowledge.

amatayo 0

Take it then screw around. Or take it and get hurt two words "workers comp"

charleemander 0