Your secret is safe on FML

By Anonymous - 01/10/2021 22:59 - Egypt

Today, it was my wedding, and I live in a country that doesn't take premarital sex lightly. My wife chose the last girl I slept with to be her main bridesmaid. She doesn't know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 454
You deserved it 2 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She doesn't know she's going to be a bridesmaid? Don't keep that secret! She needs ample time to buy the ugly dress.


Wadlaen 23

Well, then you got something to talk about during the wedding night...

She doesn't know she's going to be a bridesmaid? Don't keep that secret! She needs ample time to buy the ugly dress.

Well, it's not premarital sex if you don't marry her.

Michael Wood_279567485 8

Look, I'm not here to judge anyone ... I personally don't have issues with what or who you've done in the past. That said, you're aware of the people around you and how they feel on certain topics, so presumably this was a foreseeable outcome. I don't feel like anyone's done anything wrong here, but no empathy either, this will just be a grin and bear it situation and then put it behind you and move forward with your marriage

Lucky O'Guin 18

Actually, we're all here to judge people, that's why there are two options.

So let me get this straight. Premarital sex is frowned upon in your area. Despite this, you ended up sleeping with someone, likely multiple someones. Now, your soon to be wife has inadvertently chosen the last girl you has sex with to be her main bridesmaid but she doesn't know that you slept around? That seems like a real big can of worms that probably should have been addressed prior to getting married but you do you. 🤷‍♀️