Alexa, play "Lovesong" by The Cure

By Guitar-ZERO - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my band had a show. We played a love song, and during the bridge, I asked out a friend of mine who was in the crowd, over the mic, in front of at least 200 people. She said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 879
You deserved it 23 289

Top comments

FYL for getting turned down, YDI for setting yourself up in front of 200 people.

Well that certainly sucks for you, but it must have been hard for her to have you ask her out in front everyone.


iTaylor 0

Okay that sucks OP, but really? When will people learn...

iTaylor wats ur number we should text sometime (:

poor OP r u ugly or smelly? cuz u sound pretty cool

Its not like you asked her to marry you... Maybe one date could not have hurt! :(

ouch. well maybe you guys can be friends, but not girlfriend boyfriend.

Well that certainly sucks for you, but it must have been hard for her to have you ask her out in front everyone.

mehwhateverr 0

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should have learned from failblog....

FYL for getting turned down, YDI for setting yourself up in front of 200 people.

this comment contributed greatly to the fml, thank you.

Did you play it cool? It's better to act like you have an ego in front of a crowd, nobody wants to see a broken heart on stage!