Alpha male behavior

By Hotdamnthisismyjam - 16/06/2009 00:32 - Canada

Today, I went to the bar with some friends. When we walked in, we picked a table at random in the same area as a bunch of older men. The oldest, fattest, ugliest man at the table looked me over then stared at my chest. He then started to motorboat the air in the direction of my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 232
You deserved it 6 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gingermonster16 0

Don't FML! That's a compliment. It means you have good boobs. You should have flipped him off though. For those confused: Moaterboating is when you get all up into someones cleavage (in this case) and shake your head left and right while making your lips flap together by breathing air out. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I just laughed at myself writing that description. It sounds soooo ******* dumb when expained, but it is just ******* dumb anyways.

Jonesy_fml 0

Beggars can't be choosers! =P


thats happen a lot sweetheart ; ) at least they think you are hot/

twindaddy 0

On the bright side, at least he thinks you look good. The real FML would have been if he acted like he was gonna vomit when he saw you.

bollywood_rocks 0

OP, YDI. This is one of the situations you could've changed by either sitting by younger/better looking men or ignoring him. If you didn't like the attention, you wouldn't have noticed the gesture/won't assume he was making them at you; it could've been one of your friends UNLESS your boobs were spilling over your top. On that count, then YDI for wearing revealing clothing and then whining that the wrong person took notice. Next time, as people have stated accept it as a compliment or ignore it rather than denigrate the man. P.S: "Fat" and "ugly" people need love too and unless you look like Angelina Jolie, bear in mind that you are potentially ugly to someone else. First time I ever heard or read the word "motorboat" used in this context. Thanks for the imagery esp. to the clown who decided to describe it :)

You can't tell someone to be greatful for something they find offensive. How she handled the situation says a lot about her character, though. She is also rather shallow by focussing on his age and appearance. Perhaps that will change as she matures. Regardless, she has the right to either move to another table, or to stay where she's at ... unmolested. He infringed on her rights, not the other way around.

kcslgvr 11

That is so freaking funny, and really creepy too. You should have flipped him off or told him to stop or something and then left that area of the bar. It's not okay to feel uncomfortable by a man, even if he is super hot. Sorry for that happening to you. Still sounds really funny though. But don't be so judgmental because he's probably not the fattest, ugliest, oldest guy ever. You probably put that there so people would sympathize with you more.

hey at least he thinks you're sexy lol

freddie_fml 0

Uh, guys? It's not a "compliment" when men make gestures like that at women. No. No no no. It's not. It's harrassment. It's disrespectful and annoying and embarrassing and makes women feel uncomfortable just for daring to be women in a public place and for having breasts and it is NOT A COMPLIMENT. Get that idea out of your heads.

I hoped you walked over and poured a cup of ice water on him. That's disgusting.

would it have made a difference if he was hot? that's not okay, period.

#37 -- thanks for not being a misogynistic asshole. You're a rare breed on this site.

You met a pervy old guy out in the big bag world. big who cares.