
By RachelMc - 12/12/2022 21:00

Today, my husband of 4 years announced that he doesn’t love me anymore and that he’s leaving me for his coworker who he met 2 months ago. I helped him find that job. It’s like I aided in the destruction of my own marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 369
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but you should drop that prick like a hot rock and go about your life. His little infatuation will end and, even if it doesn’t, who cares? People who drop their spouses like lint for someone else whom they’ve only known for such a short amount of time are not worth crying over. He was most likely hanging on ‘til he found someone “better”. NONE of this was your fault. If his fling ends and he tries crawling back, simply turn him around, kick a steal-capped boot up his unloyal arse and tell him to **** off.

Sonotsuave 35

You surely didn’t aid in the destruction of your own marriage—your husband did that shit all by himself. Don’t take any of the shitty credit. He wants to be an unfaithful and immature asshole then let him, divorce, and move on. I’m sorry for what you’re going through, but I have a feeling there was nothing you could’ve done—-if it wasn’t a coworker, it probably would’ve been someone else. It sucks but at least now you know what type of person he really is & you can find someone loyal who you deserve.


This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but you should drop that prick like a hot rock and go about your life. His little infatuation will end and, even if it doesn’t, who cares? People who drop their spouses like lint for someone else whom they’ve only known for such a short amount of time are not worth crying over. He was most likely hanging on ‘til he found someone “better”. NONE of this was your fault. If his fling ends and he tries crawling back, simply turn him around, kick a steal-capped boot up his unloyal arse and tell him to **** off.

You should have known better. You should have investigated the company to make sure all of the women were ugly and lacked exceptional mouth skills. It takes a lot of effort to verify that second part.

Sonotsuave 35

You surely didn’t aid in the destruction of your own marriage—your husband did that shit all by himself. Don’t take any of the shitty credit. He wants to be an unfaithful and immature asshole then let him, divorce, and move on. I’m sorry for what you’re going through, but I have a feeling there was nothing you could’ve done—-if it wasn’t a coworker, it probably would’ve been someone else. It sucks but at least now you know what type of person he really is & you can find someone loyal who you deserve.

tiptoppc 19

Been there. I got my ex-wife a job at the same place as my now “ex” friend. She used the opportunity to sleep with my now “ex” friend before using her position to sleep with the dept manager, all while setting up for divorce. After being in the hospital for a serious medical issue, she called me at the hospital to tell me she’s leaving me for my ex-friend. After i got out of the hospital, i found myself kicked out and homeless. Sucks to be OP, but try ahead of time to make plans of where to go/what to do when the split comes down. Make sure you can take care of yourself. Oh, and go after every penny he has. **** him!