
By oops - 08/05/2013 14:44 - Canada - Okotoks

Today, while packing for a trip, my mom bumped my bag and it started to vibrate. She flew into a huge rage calling me all sorts of colourful names, thinking it was a sex toy. It was my tooth brush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 573
You deserved it 5 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

\ 28

Why is it that everyone seems so quick to judge??

Colorful names huh? "How dare you bring that vibrator you greenish, pinkish, orange with a tint of blue!!"


dakotablaise 2

Well I'm a massive, massive retard. F MY life.

if it was a sex toy, I would of told her she should use it some time...

I hope you showed her it to prove it was just a toothbrush... Or else you kind of deserve it for letting hr walk all over you like that...