By izzy_the_pessimist - 10/09/2018 18:30

Today, at lunch, I was talking to my friends about having a boyfriend. Suddenly, some boy I don't even know said, "Nobody wants to date that ugly bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 151
You deserved it 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pugs 12

Thats when you get up and punch him in the face.

I hope you said something back to that pathetic scumbag


I hope you said something back to that pathetic scumbag

pugs 12

Thats when you get up and punch him in the face.

What makes you think he was talking about you?

Asshole needs to mind his business nobody was talking to him in the first place

Skylar 1

What does the bastard even know about her!?!