Average SunnO))) fan

By theholt - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I saw a man on the bus with the strangest band shirt I have ever seen. I couldn't help but stare at it and try and figure out what the band was… until he turned to me and said, "Why not take a picture, asshole?" then got off the bus. As he walked away, I saw that he was missing an arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 870
You deserved it 6 353

Same thing different taste

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5th!!! Don't worry. Once I was on the beach with my brother and a friend and his family. This very hot chick with a labrador at her side was jogging topless in a bikini bottom. After she had passes, my friend's mother asked all the men if we had noticed anything wierd about her. None of us had. As it turns out, she was missing an arm. Guessing I was looking a her chest.

bebz_fml 0

ah don't worry bout it, you didn't know.


Did you get a good picture of him???!

Mortoli 30

Lol it's gonna bug me but you ever find out what the band was?

People really shouldn't get offended by that. Of course you would want to observe them.