Back and forth

By coolrunnings1021 - 05/07/2021 14:01

Today, my wife is a tennis fan and is watching Wimbledon. I hate tennis, but she gets in a mood if I suggest we watch anything else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 588
You deserved it 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

So go do something else. Your not REQUIRED to watch tv with her.

it's boring, but Wimbledon is temporary. you can indulge her on this and find something else to do for a few days


TomeDr 24

So go do something else. Your not REQUIRED to watch tv with her.

it's boring, but Wimbledon is temporary. you can indulge her on this and find something else to do for a few days

Super weird you want her to turn her sport off.

49_Donuts 12

It’s once a year. Let her have her ‘super bowl’

I've been with my wife for over a decade. the thing I've learned is you will pretty much always end up watching whatever she wants. luckily tennis being seasonal limits how long you have to deal with it. ultimately if it's that big of a problem just don't watch it with her, and if she insists on you being there then you can do something else while tennis is on like read a book

I'm sure there's plenty of shit you do and watch that she hates so suck it up buttercup

Jon Tessler 14

this is why you always have at least 2 TV's in the house.

Suck it up, sunshine. Go do something else and let her enjoy her hobby!

it's nice that she wants to share something she's excited about with you. why not try to find something that excited you about tennis, and if nothing else make it a drinking event ;)

My husband is Swiss. Last Friday was my birthday. Switzerland had a football match at 5pm on my birthday. I love my husband so I was fine with him watching it. Get over it. It’s just a bit of tennis. No one says you have to watch it too. Go spend some time doing your own thing and then do something together when it’s over.