Bad, bad, bad

By Anonymous - 01/03/2014 10:30 - United States - Saint Joseph

Today, I had sex with a guy I've liked for years. There was just one problem: it was so terrible I said, "I think I might be straight" about five minutes in just so it would stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 423
You deserved it 15 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you should have been honest instead of lying, what if he sees you with another guy? That'll hurt him worse than the truth.


Well you should have been honest instead of lying, what if he sees you with another guy? That'll hurt him worse than the truth.

leogachi 15

This joke occurs so often that I don't even laugh in my head anymore.

I doubt the sex was painful. It was just bad sex.

If you've liked him for that long then you shouldn't let the sex ruin it. You can always help him get better.

CharresBarkrey 15

If he's liked him for this long before something came of it, I'm betting OP put him on a pedestal, making his expectations far too high.

Maybe you're just too anal about your sex.

You've probably crushed that guys sex confidence

Oh well. Now you have 4 options: 1) Admit you lied. 2) Stay perpetually single. 3) Get a girlfriend. Or 4) Move far, far, away. Take your pick.

Or stay with the guy and keep trying till he gets better at sex

DKjazz 20

That must have really hurt his feelings. FHL.

Not everything is about sex, OP. If you like him, he likes you, and you could have a good relationship, don't let this ruin it. You can find ways to make it better, together.

Did he put it in the wrong hole? Oh wait..