Be more specific

By readytoamputatemyfeet - 30/06/2013 23:00 - United States - Winter Springs

Today, my shoe fell apart a few minutes after I got to work. I called my boyfriend and asked him to bring me the "pretty black pair" in my closet. What did he bring? Black stilettos. I'm a waitress with an eight-hour shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 547
You deserved it 32 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess if you say 'pretty black pair' it makes your boyfriend think of a shoe like that. Maybe just say 'black pair' next time.

ShadowBox 8

At least they were YOUR stilettos, right?


Bring me more rolls, but naked this time!

Hey... He thought they were pretty... Next time get more specific...

perdix 29

You should have gone barefoot, taken off your shirt and said you just invented "no shoes, no shirt service." Your restaurant will be more popular than Hooters if your idea can . . . *lowers sunglasses* take off.

Shepardspie71 8

You weren't specific enough

Perhaps you needed to give a better description? I can see why he made the choice he did.

It's kind of your fault for not specifying which ones and leaving it up to him to decide.

imonkeyface 9

Well, you were a bit vague, and stilettos are pretty. Better luck next time OP.

You should definitely have been more specific than that especially since you have mlre than one black pair of shoes. Then again your boyfriend didn't think much if he knew what your job was and brought something that clearly isn't sensible to wear. I'm voting fylydi.

"Pretty black shoes"... Sorry OP but you had it coming..

sugarbear0727 19

That's hilarious. And always give detailed descriptions to guys. Of course he was gonna grab the '**** me' heels. Those are the ones he likes. And thats unfortunate that you waitress, but oh well.