Bed move

By wellokthen - 26/11/2019 18:00 - United States - Birmingham

Today, my friend sent me a link to a porn video. The guy in it was my boyfriend, the girl in it wasn't me, but they were in my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 133
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

indienerdgirl 27

Dump the boyfriend and throw away the whole bed. Get a new one that one's tainted now.

bl3ur0z3 17

Send it to him and ask what he thinks.


indienerdgirl 27

Dump the boyfriend and throw away the whole bed. Get a new one that one's tainted now.

How rude! I hope they gave you a production credit!

bl3ur0z3 17

Send it to him and ask what he thinks.

J15237 25

You mean the guy in it was your ex boyfriend and your former bed.

Sgt.floppyweiner 2