
By walking away - 11/07/2022 04:00

Today, my soon-to-be ex doesn’t understand why I get so pissed that he has to consult his ex-wife over every little thing we do, including needing her blessing for us to get engaged. It’s none of her damn business, yet he insists he’s merely trying to not hurt her feelings. Fuck him and her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 897
You deserved it 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Run. run fast. it's never going to get better

I still blame him even if they have a kid. Yes it's important to look after the needs of your kids, but this wasn't about the kid. OP clearly states that his reason is "trying to not hurt her feelings"


How does that song by Hall and Oates go? "(Oh here he comes)/Here he comes, he's a man child"

Do they have a kid together? If so I don't blame him, if not then yeah he's being weird

I still blame him even if they have a kid. Yes it's important to look after the needs of your kids, but this wasn't about the kid. OP clearly states that his reason is "trying to not hurt her feelings"

Even if they have a kid, their primary communication should be about their kid. And he shouldn't be talking to his ex about his current relationships.

Call me psychic, but I think his second wife is going to look a lot like his first. A lot!

Run. run fast. it's never going to get better

this one gets a big OH HELL NO! at least you're smart enough to leave. no room for 3 people in a marriage, and it's not even a mother in law.

At least you're smart enough to decide that you've had enough and are going to dump his ass.

Good for you getting out of that mess. It will never change, only get worse. He'd have to consult her on when you can consummate the marriage, have kids, what to name the kids, etc. RUN.

nfer69 3

lmfao are you dating my ex boyfriend?