Bummed out

By Anon - 11/11/2023 04:00

Today, I tried to tease my boyfriend by pulling my skirt up, bending over, and backing up into him. He gagged and said, "Please, wash your ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 131
You deserved it 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this is a persistent problem and not a one-off, you might want to check in with a GP. Skin infections and infections to your nethers can also cause a smell.

easybree 9

lollll if you’ve dated for a while it was bound to happen. smells happen for girls and guys. my man said that to me before and I’ve had to tell him to wash his! it’s normal lol


If this is a persistent problem and not a one-off, you might want to check in with a GP. Skin infections and infections to your nethers can also cause a smell.

easybree 9

lollll if you’ve dated for a while it was bound to happen. smells happen for girls and guys. my man said that to me before and I’ve had to tell him to wash his! it’s normal lol