Butter fingers

By two-hours-to-pick-up - 09/10/2009 09:46 - Australia

Today, I was in a fancy department store. I was wearing my travel backpack. I was turning around after paying at the checkout and my backpack hit a metre-tall display covered with necklaces. It went crashing to the floor, hitting another display table laden with jewelry that collapsed under it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 106
You deserved it 10 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

could have been worse. could have been a rack of dishes and glasses.

Honestly, I worked a few retail jobs before escaping from that grind, and that kind of stuff happened all the time. As long as the customers were at least apologetic and didn't just swan off like "Oh well, your problem now!" we never got bent out of shape over it. Yeah it's embarassing, but don't lose sleep over it.


could have been worse. could have been a rack of dishes and glasses.

exactley. if it was good quality / real jewelery it would have broke. just the shelve though.


It's so easy to do that when wearing stuff that juts out. It happens to me at work. FYL.

You shouldn't be wearing a backpack in a store anyways. Don't they usually make you leave that type of stuff behind the counter? Well whatever, YDI for being so uncoordinated.

?? yeah okay... I've never been to a store, or heard of one, that makes you take of your backpack. It'd be the same as having a bulky handbag or something

captaincanoe 0

Alot of stores do this as a way to prevent theft

At GRCC (A college in MI), they made you leave your backpack with a person in front that gave you a number to claim it

Alot of stores are like that up here in Canada. Supposed to deter (spelling?) theft.

yes people in stores where you are from. OP's from Aus -that was my point- sorry i didn't make it clear

forgettingsunday 0

some stores do. there's a dollar store across the street from my junior high and when we would have play practice we would go there with all of out stuff, but they made us leave our bags at the front so we wouldn't steal.

Honestly, I worked a few retail jobs before escaping from that grind, and that kind of stuff happened all the time. As long as the customers were at least apologetic and didn't just swan off like "Oh well, your problem now!" we never got bent out of shape over it. Yeah it's embarassing, but don't lose sleep over it.

Why were you wearing your travel backpack in the jewelry section??

Sun_Kissed18 25

Possibly to go traveling later? Maybe? Who knows.

YDI. Try paying a little attention to your surroundings, idiot.