Can't win

By Unlucky. - 16/10/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, I took my parking permit off my car to debate a ticket that I got for not having my permit displayed. Twenty minutes later, when I got back to my car, I had another ticket on my window for not having my parking permit displayed because I was using it to disprove the first ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 955
You deserved it 8 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Crumple your ticket, cram it in your mouth, chew, and swallow. Mmm, wasted money and warrants taste delicious.


they'll throw out one of the tickets at least~you cannot get 2 tickets (parking offenses, anyway) for the same thing (in the same spot) on the same day. Next time, leave the ticket clearly visible in the front window and write down the info off it to go dispute it~they won't give you a second ticket for it that way.

Crumple your ticket, cram it in your mouth, chew, and swallow. Mmm, wasted money and warrants taste delicious.

So you made the same mistake twice, as if you shouldn't have already known better? What did you expect? :(

She didn't make a mistake the first time. She was wrongfully ticketed. The second time was a mistake, though the parking services guy was a douche for making two rounds through the parking lot.

you could have taken a picture of the permit on your windshield. especially if the picture also shows your car's VIN.

FAKEstfu 0

Exactly, pictures are worth a thousand words, dumbass!