Captain Hook

By Kortnie Peterman - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, my boyfriend and I found out my Nuva ring comes out quite easily, especially when he manages to hook it around the tip of his dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 491
You deserved it 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you like it, then you should have put a ring on it. Ergo, you like it!


You know they always favour the house

And when you win such a game, you win a stuffed animal. I’ll leave it to the reader to supply the feline punchline.

I think you've confused carnivals and casinos. Carnival games are easy to win.

i had to google this to understand it but once i did i thought "god's damn you poor souls"

If you like it, then you should have put a ring on it. Ergo, you like it!

boopingsnoot 24

Yeah, Nuvaring tends to block the g-spot. I always took mine out before and put it back right after. Nuvaring gave me super-ultra-PMS though, fyi.

WHSKitty 7

Why would you take it out before?

lestatsbride87 3

that's how I got pregnant, out before Back in after apparently it's not super effective birth control if you remove it to screw

New carnival games added: Vaginal Ring Toss!

This happened to me a lot, lol. I'd just say "ring toss is over, I'm going to need that back" 😂😂

So you guys play a bedtime game called "Ring the thing?"

boy these fair games are getting tough

Oh honey, I've had that happen *many* times. Was always funny. Told my husband it's like he won the ring toss at the carnival!