
By Anonymous - 11/02/2023 12:00 - United States - Poughkeepsie

Today, I got a call from a former client. After migrating his firm to cloud-based apps a few months back, he decided I was too expensive, and he'd manage things himself. He called today with "a couple of quick questions." Question 1: How does he log in to make changes? FML
I agree, your life sucks 830
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, i'd flip a coin to decide if i: 1) should just bill him 500$ hourly for answering his "quick question" or 2) just answer him "**** you, you wanted to do it yourself"

How much will you bill him as a consultant for the "quick questions?" As a LAN Administrator, I can sympathize. We both know when they say "quick" that usually means how soon it becomes a PITA.


How much will you bill him as a consultant for the "quick questions?" As a LAN Administrator, I can sympathize. We both know when they say "quick" that usually means how soon it becomes a PITA.

well, i'd flip a coin to decide if i: 1) should just bill him 500$ hourly for answering his "quick question" or 2) just answer him "**** you, you wanted to do it yourself"

I hope you told him that all the info was sent in a mail that he deleted without looking, and you charge an hourly fee for your time.