Close but no cigar

By Anonymous - 23/12/2015 23:26

Today, while lighting a cigar, I set my beard on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 604
You deserved it 15 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kuibe 18

You see kids smoking hurts you in more than one way!


JackDupp 11

It's as if you even MENTION that you smoke on the internet all you're going to get is "HURR DURR DAS Y U STAHP SMOKIN". Shut up and leave him alone. None of your business.

You don't even have to mention that you smoke, just that you have an ashtray lying around.

You know what smokers say: "Well, you're gonna die of something, anyway."

You are obviously not worthy of a beard, beard is cool, smoking is not. Beard went up in flames to solve the conflict that occurred.

It might be time to invest in a slightly less flammable beard oil, OP. Life sucks. Unless you did one of those ridiculous glitter beard things for the holidays. Then you deserve it: 'Kill it with fire,' and all that.