Computer says no

By firelava - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Grand Prairie

Today, I waited two hours in line at college to select my classes. I finally got to the desk, only to be told I have to apply online before I can show up in person. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 740
You deserved it 9 958

Same thing different taste

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If college has taught me anything, it's that you always read the directions to everything.

Goes online, *Site Down due to scheduled maintenance please go to campus to apply for classes*


This post accurately defines college. Yay for a higher education.

Walk over to one of their PCs and do it online. Then walk back to the desk?

and then the moment you realize all of your bosses went to college and you'll be stuck, never making the same as them for this very reason.

Well to be fair colleges can be confusing as **** to set up if you are not use to it....sooooo much paperwork and filling things out

If you want to reform the system, make college less damn expensive and maybe more people will be able to go.

You should been informed of that prior to your arrival.

z0mBi3kiTTy 18

let me guess... hfcc? nowadays, real people are useless. welcome to the future... EVERYTHING is done online :( we just pay our taxes for counselors to direct you to a computer.

dusl 13
EmsyyyRose13 24

Why is your application online, but not your course selection process? That seems a bit odd. Sorry OP. I hope you sorted everything out.

This would happen to me. There are so many things in college that are not told to you. I hated that. Good luck.