
By um…ew - 14/01/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, my friend and I were having a conversation in the ladies’ room. Suddenly, we hear banging from one of the stalls and, “Can you talk somewhere else? Some of us are trying to poop.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 117
You deserved it 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are poop shy; no matter how much they want to, they won't be able to poop if someone else is in the bathroom. If there is nowhere else where you can chat with your friend without everybody else listening, I'd say it's a double FML; for you, and for the person in the stall.

Nikki 16

What else did you think happened in there?


Some people are poop shy; no matter how much they want to, they won't be able to poop if someone else is in the bathroom. If there is nowhere else where you can chat with your friend without everybody else listening, I'd say it's a double FML; for you, and for the person in the stall.

Nikki 16

What else did you think happened in there?