
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I discovered that my new roommate likes to take the loose hair when she showers and make shapes with it on the shower wall. She calls it art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 436
You deserved it 3 812

Top comments

there's nothing wrong with that- I do it ! lol it's just annoying having stringy hairs all over you

ilikethebeatles 0

quit being so bitchy and enjoy her art, for all you know she could die tomorrow.


How is this an fml? Deal with it. It's hair, not feces.

ohsuzykuew 0

just because most fml commenters do it too doesn't make it "ok". that's just nasty. who wants to look at/clean up someone else's hair? it's comparable to not flushing the toilet cuz that's "art" too! gag!

jwbbabe 9

My wife does the same thing... I really don't understand it. But I guess it just come with the territory of sharing a shower with a woman. I'm also pretty sure you have odd habits. I don't consider this FML worthy...

at least it ain't pubescent curled up as clouds on your liner?

loose hair makes me nauseous. if I threw up in the shower, is that art?

you should make a big hairball, leave it somewhere, and say she inspired you

If one of you pigs cleaned the shower, your problem would be solved!

so this one time, I shoved a horse up my asshole, and it kept on saying "rape rape!" but I'm pretty sure it was saying cake cos everyone likes cake.

lol i put it on the wall. its like impossible to wash off your hands. and well i use the shower head to wash it off the wall