
By Isabella - 20/09/2022 22:30

Today, I'm 9 months pregnant and the father of my child has suddenly decided that the child I've carried for 9 months isn't his, and that it was "too late" to try and fix our relationship. He's the only man who could be the father, he's just finding every excuse to say, "Sorry, but no thank you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 144
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AzraelAngelus 15

Hope you sue him for child support

Either get him to to accept it, make him get a paternity test or sue for child support


AzraelAngelus 15

Hope you sue him for child support

Either get him to to accept it, make him get a paternity test or sue for child support

Hey, he DID say, "No, thank you." He does have good manners. You gotta give him that!

Nix188 13

since he won't see this, is it really his though?

Drag him to court. If he really thinks it’s not his he shouldn’t have any issues with a paternity test, right? If you really want to get at him, put on the waterworks for his parents and ask them to do a DNA test to get the grandchild sympathy-vote.